Three eventful quarters down and we’re on the home stretch for 2021! In the early weeks of July the Greater Sydney lockdown commenced, forcing our team and business to adapt rapidly. Following local government guidelines, our incredible team balanced remote work and conducting essential activities in the lab, staying connected to keep our business thriving throughout the 3rd quarter! 

Here’s a round-up of Reach Robotics highlights from the past 3 months:  

Client Collaboration Highlights  

???? We published a Case Study with our clients at INESC TEC, a research institute working to improve remote O&M activities at offshore wind farms using autonomous systems. Read the full story here.  

CRAS Team 2
The INESC TEC team

???????? We had the opportunity to showcase the Reach Bravo 7 at Ocean Conference 2021 in San Diego. If you’re based in the US and missed out, reach out to Jeff Conger, our US Rep, for more details about our technology.

Ocean Conference 2021 in San Diego
Ocean Conference 2021 in San Diego

???????? ???????? Our clients at SEAMOR Marine began integrating our Bravo 7 manipulator onto their Mako ROV. You can check out the powerful integration in person at Ocean Business 2021 in Southampton UK. More details here.  

MAKO ROV with Bravo 7
MAKO ROV with Bravo 7

Internal Highlights  

⚙️ We conducted regular capability testing of our manipulators, vehicle integrations, vision technology and control systems. We used our in-house test tank facility, as well as venturing to deeper waters at Chowder Bay to simulate real-world conditions! 

robotic arms being tested underwater

‍???? We’ve been joined by 4 interns in our R&D department, who worked across a range of mechanical and software design projects in-house. Keep your eyes peeled for our Summer Internship intake to be announced soon!  

‍‍???? We’ve welcomed new talent to our ever-growing team – Lifting our game with new Technical Sales Engineers, Business Administration Assistants, Production Technicians and Mechanical & Software Engineers on our teams!  

Reach Robotics team memebers working at the lab

???? We’ve released some great product demo, highlights and training videos in the last quarter – here’s the top 5:  

Keen to see more of the videos we’ve been releasing lately? Subscribe to our YouTube Channel to stay up to date: 

Finally, if you’ve been missing our regular updates – be sure to follow us on linked in for company news, product demonstration videos and customer collaborations as they happen!  

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Command Pods

Command Pods are a pair of space mouse controllers comprising of left and right units. They are designed to attach to an ROV control tablet and allow full system control from one interface. The Command Pod configuration simplifies control of a dual-manipulator system as operators are able to intuitively control both arms, while still piloting the vehicle.
The joystick model allows for arms to be directed towards a target while the system automatically maps the arms configuration along that path.


Compatible with all Reach Robotics manipulators, the Master Arm controller is available in five and seven-function models to mimic your robotic arm. Achieve unparalleled precision and accuracy while undertaking complex tasks including:
  • Precise placement of probes for crack and corrosion monitoring.
  • Place and recover objects with unmatched dexterity and minimised
  • Attach hooks and shackles consistently.
  • Reach confined areas unreachable with lower degree-of-freedom manipulators
    and traditional control methods.